Looking for a good cause?

Ok, so anyone who has read my recent postings knows how important the Y has been to me and my family. All around. Kids programs are great, staff is wonderful and the fitness opportunities are endless. Personally, the Y has helped me FINALLY lose the 80 lbs I have been dragging along for 5 years, but it has also allowed me to meet lots of new people and introduce the kids to a great community. I am part of this fund raising campaign because I want to be able to help the Y offer programs to EVERYONE, regardless of income level. And I believe it can be done. With everyone’s help, with a donation as small as $10 or as large as $1,000, children and adults of all ages can be healthy and happy. Please use this link or comment if you can help. I would truly appreciate it. Thank you!!



About 21 years….

Well, it’s been over month since I last blogged – not the best way to engage an audience.  But what strikes me even more is that this is the first time in 21 years I have not filed a W2.  And yet, even though I did not make ANY salary last year, it was the hardest year of work I have ever done.  Really.  No sick days, no vacation days, no personal days, no raises, no performance reviews and certainly no accolades.  It is an odd feeling, especially since I worked in my field for over 13 years then suddenly stopped.  And “they” say that staying at home with your kids is the most rewarding job you will ever have.  I bet it can be – waiting for that part to come in tenfold 🙂

18 Months

So, it’s been almost 18 months since I have been a SAHM and what a whirlwind it has been. When I was working, I had a team to help serve the various clients that I worked with. At home, it’s me, with three very different clients. No admin to help, no VP to provide strategy. Just me, the Manager doing all the roles, without the salary. Looking back I can say we made the right decision, as I can see now everything I missed while I was working, but we did what we had to do. Now, it’s fun. Now that Penny is “older” things are really fun, most of the time. However, the first year was BAD. BAD, BAD, BAD. And I know things can always be worse, I do. “Managing” a 3 year old, 2 year old and a newborn, alone for 11 hour clips is HARD WORK. I don’t care how many press releases, plans, meetings or whatever else I had to contend with at work, it NEVER was as difficult as one day of that first year. I am sure a large part was because Penny never took a bottle – of anything – from anyone, so it was very isolating for a long time. That said, I remember the first day we went to the Y for one of the kids’ class. I got inspired and as soon as Penny was 3 months old, I started working out. And really, that’s when things started to look up. I mean, at first, it was only 10 minutes of working out before babysitting came to get me because Penny was crying, but as time went on, she lasted longer and longer. Then I started a kickboxing class one Sunday and never looked back. Working out and meeting wonderful people has really made a difference. And the free babysitting doesn’t hurt either :). So here we are a year and a half later and things are pretty darn good. Not always easy, but good. Everyone, for the most part, is happy and healthy. Staying home is NOT easy, and I think I thought it was going to be. Some days I would give anything to go back to work. Just the thought of going to the bathroom alone is enticing enough. But, for the most part, it is rewarding to stay home and I am so lucky to be able to and not miss out on these moments with the kids. And, I am proud to say we have done it alone – no hired help or dropping the kids off with people all the time. We believe in raising our own kids, not letting others do it. We may not go on vacation for many years, but we have each other. So, this is where we are at today, who knows what tomorrow will bring. Even though I am not big on change, it’s the one constant in life 🙂

So, it’s been awhile

Yeah…so almost a year has passed since I last posted.  There are many excuses, but no real good reasons.  When I first started this blog many moons ago it was when I was working in PR and just had my first  baby.  Currently, I am NOT working in PR and have three children.  So, I am going to continue to blog here on a more frequent basis, but the topics will NOT be PR related since I have been out of the loop for almost 18 months making any thoughts I had regarding PR irrelevant.  So, moving forward, blog topics will be centered around children, managing the craziness of life with 3 kids at home, and of course, my new found passion, working out.  My friend Erica, who is also getting back to blogging inspired me to go back :).


Something that has been on my mind recently is the issue of leaving the kids for an overnight.  I have only done this once and it was just for one night, a trip to Las Vegas for work two years ago (kids were with Steve).  Other than being in the hospital having a child, I have never been away from them for a night.  I know it would be good for the soul, to have a good night’s rest and to wake up to silence.  I know this.  But on the other hand, I can not see shuffling my kids off to someone else so I can enjoy myself.  Seems downright selfish.  I know there has to be a middle line – it’s good for the kids to sleep somewhere else, get them used to different environments, etc., etc.  I guess my issue is getting over the overwhelming guilt of disrupting their schedule and their comfort zone for my own enjoyment.  I know people shuffle their kids off each weekend so they can go to concerts, out to dinner, etc., etc.  I just can’t do that.  I want my kids to know that I am always here, their home is their home and we are a strong, solid, family unit.  I know it would be good for all of us to shake things up a bit and I don’t know, maybe once a quarter do an overnight, but I just can’t bring myself to do it.  And oh, wait, right, Penny still won’t take a bottle 🙂  So, the issue will be on hold until she is about a year, so I have more time to think about it.  If you have any thoughts/advice/agree/disagree, please let me know!

A Litte Humor

Part of  my new life means getting healthy, for real.  So, I am back to working out and I love it.  The Y is, well, the Y and I can’t wait for the new one, but this one is just fine for now – and there is free babysitting – which can’t be beat.  Anyway, the other day I went to get Abby and Penny (Jake was in school) and one of the mothers comes in to get her child and looks at Abby, looks at me, and says, “Oh my God, she is beautiful!  But, is she really yours?”.  Yes, this happened.  I muttered, “thanks” and turned around.  Seriously?  I know I am nothing to sneeze at, clearly, and Abby does have Steve’s looks, but really?  What if she were adopted?  So, I am making light of it, after all, Abby is beautiful!


Well, seeing how it’s been almost a year since I have last blogged and I am no longer actively in PR, perhaps I should change the title of this blog, just in case anyone is really reading it.   I am not big on change, I have mentioned that before, so the past 6-7 months have been, well, let’s say, a bit challenging.  Now, in the larger picture of life, the word “challenging” can mean many things to many people depending on their life circumstances.  It can mean struggling through an illness, or training for a marathon or pretty much anything.  What do I mean by challenging?  I mean finding time to actually think.  Time to make a complete grocery list.  Time to pack a full gym bag that yes,  includes soap and shampoo.  Time to eat.  All of these things seem so incredibly basic, but for some reason I can’t manage to find the time to do any of these things on a regular basis.  In the large scheme of things, if this is all I have to worry about I guess I am doing pretty good.  However, I miss my work.  A lot.  I miss talking with humans older than 4 years old.  I miss going to the bathroom alone.  I miss eating lunch, never mind actually going OUT to lunch.  I miss taking a sick day when I am sick.  Did I mention I miss eating?   Anyway, that’s it for now, someone is up, again.  Stay tuned for more from the home front 🙂

Deserve it, really?

So I was just reading this blog post on WorkIt, Mom! by Miss Britt and it got me thinking, especially this  bit:

I can’t speak for men, but I believe that women often equate their value as a person to their ability to nurture others.  Our self confidence and identity is commonly tied to our roles as mothers, spouses or friends – all roles that typically involve a good deal of nurturing.

Interesting.  I thought I was the only one who equated the two!  Apparently there are more of us out there.   And the post has a good point – taking care of yourself.  I mean, there are the basics like brushing your teeth, washing your hair, etc. and then there the more “luxurious” things like taking the time to read scripture, or setting aside time to exercise.  None of which I do – even the basics (which I do) take time away from the kids and other tasks.  I am sure most mothers of toddlers feel this way, right?  I mean, if I ever get the opportunity to take a  long, hot bath again, I think I will be a changed woman.  Until then, I will take fast showers, bathe the children and make sure the bath tub is clean.

So, in terms of “deserving” this time or “need”, I don’t quite  buy it – yet.